          東森關鍵時刻 20101115 A (1/5) ~ 舊金山海中病毒神秘事件 太平洋房屋? 帛琉v=wUQSMo7L-D0&feature=r 膠原蛋白elated It all caused by shameless brainless 酒店工作 cold cold hard USA government backed NASA crime of attacking sile 結婚nt nice Moon; you need to know that before you heard NASA openly telling the publ 房屋二胎ic that they're shooting the moon, they must have already practiced that shooting unknown times. You en 系統傢俱tire world should demand USA to shut up NASA and demand USA to kill all NASA workers to pay their crimes. USA could have that s 辦公室出租uck to send military to kill Afghan innocents, you all must have right to demand USA to kill all NASA shameless brainless immoral cold c 租房子 old hard criminals  liars and/or suckers. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 找房子  .

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